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Showing results 103 to 122 of 605 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleVersionData FormatFeedersLoadsBusesGenerators
Nov-2016Basic Example of UCM: A Controlled Resistor (Available in Hypersim)V1.0OpalRT0000
15-Jun-2020Bay_Area_Synthetic_Network0.8OPEN DSS2236226559449168690
25-Apr-2019Belgium Solar PV Power Generation Data Set – Belgium-MS-Spreadsheet----
Sep-2016Boost and Two-Level BridgeV1.0OpalRT0000
1-Aug-2015Brazilian Seven Bus System-PowerWorld--75
1-Aug-2015Brazilian Seven Bus System-PTI-PSS-E--75
1-Aug-2015Brazilian Seven Bus System-GE-PSLF--75
29-Apr-2017Brazilian Seven Bus System-POWERWORLD0000
30-Nov-2016Brazilian Seven Bus System-GE PSLF0875
30-Nov-2016Brazilian Seven Bus System-PTI PSS0875
29-Apr-2017Brazilian Seven Bus System-Unspecified0000
16-Mar-2018Challenging Transmission Level Test Cases for Power System Studiesv1Unspecified0000
2016CIGRE 3 - ​Simple case of fault on a transmission line (Available in HYPERSIM)V1.0OpalRT0060
1-Jan-1976Circumsolar Radiation Data-Text-Data----
1-Dec-1991Circumsolar Radiation Data: The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Reduced Data Base-Text-Data----