Browsing by Author IEEE

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleVersionData FormatFeedersLoadsBusesGenerators
Jun-2017IEEE 14-Bus - Phase 0-Other-11145
Jun-2017IEEE 14-Bus - Phase 0-PTI-PSS-E-11145
Jun-2017IEEE 14-Bus - Phase 0-MatPower-11145
1979IEEE 24-Bus System-PowerWorld--2411
1979IEEE 24-Bus System-PTI-PSS-E--2411
1979IEEE 24-Bus System-GE-PSLF--2411
Jun-2017Modified 14-Bus - Phase 0-Other-11145
Jun-2017Modified 14-Bus - Phase 0-PTI-PSS-E-11145
Jun-2017Modified 14-Bus - Phase 0-MatPower-11145
30-Aug-2017PGLib OPF Case 73 IEEE RTS1MatPower--7399
30-Aug-2017PGLib OPF Case 73 IEEE RTS1MatPower--7399
30-Aug-2017PGLib OPF Case 73 IEEE RTS1MatPower--7399